Loudoun County, VA

March 12, 2025 - March 15, 2025


Ready to become a Kid’s Closet Connection seller? We are ready for you!

Consignor Earnings:

  • Consignors make up to 70% of the selling price by helping before, during or after the sale! Check out the Helpers page to find out how to make the highest percentage back! A vast array of helper positions available-there is something for everyone! If you cannot help in some capacity, your consignor percentage will default to 65%.
  • Sign up NOW to HELP!
  • Refer a friend to also consign (at least 25 items) and half of your $16.00 consignor fee will be waived. Be sure to notify us in order to have the fee waived.
  • Transfer your items after the sale to one or more of our other KCC sales in the area! 
  • Shop at our consignor presale before we open to the public Thursday, September 19th.
  • No item limit!  You can bring as many items as you would like, as long as it meets our seasonal requirements. See Acceptable Items page.  
  • Enter your items right up until your drop off time. We never close our tagging portal!
  • Simple and speedy consignor drop off! (Express Drop-off) Take your items directly to the sales floor; no waiting around for your clothing or items to be inspected! All quality control will be done after drop off concludes and items found inferior will be pulled from the sales floor.

 Consignor Resources:

Are you NEW to Consigning with KCC?

Here are some information and quick tips to get you started!


Consignors earn 65% of the selling price on all items sold. There is a $16.00 consignor fee that is deducted after the sale from your proceeds. Transfer your unsold items to another KCC sale in the area!!

How it Works:

1. Consignors create an account with KCC - Register as a Consignor NOW!

2. Sign up for a Drop Off Day/Time in your Control Panel.

3. Gather all your gently used Kid Items, See our list of Acceptable items

4. Hang and tag items using our Online Tagging System accessed from your Control Panel. 

5. Drop off items at your designated drop off time

6. Watch your items sell online during the sale! (Sales are uploaded every evening!)

7. Receive a check 10-14 days after the sale!


Acceptable Items:

*Girls’ and Boys’ Season Appropriate Clothing: size newborn to Junior Sizes

*Maternity clothing and accessories.

*Baby furniture, including changing tables, cribs (manufactured after 2/28/15), toddler beds, rockers, etc.

*Baby strollers, high chairs, baby swings and car seats, and more!

*Crib bedding and room décor.

*Baby items, including crib sheets, receiving blankets, bottles and towels and more!


*DVDs and computer software

*Toys, puzzles and games with all pieces.

*Sporting Equipment and bicycles. 

*Cleaned stuffed animals (limit of five

Don't forget our 4 C's:

Clean - We cannot accept clothing that have any stains (even slight ones), tears, holes, fuzz balls, soiled/worn areas, odors or loose/broken/missing buttons. Other items should be clean, and not show extreme wear, missing decals or excessive fading.

Complete - all items need to be 100% complete (no missing pieces) and in fully working condition (batteries included, in battery operated toys and baby gear.) Bags need to be secure and sealed with clear packing tape.

Current - items must have been purchased within the last five years and reflect current styles and fashion trends. Car seats must be less than five years old and you will need to sign a disclaimer at drop-off stating it has not been in an accident or recalled. Cribs must have been manufactured after 6/28/11.

Compliant – We do not accept any recalled products. Click here to check if your item may have been recalled. 


*Only bring items in GREAT condition, less than five years old, and in working condition.

*Price between 25% and 30% of what you paid for the item, taking into consideration age, condition, style, and brand.

*Price on the LOWER end for maternity, newborn and junior clothing, value brands (Like Carters, Garanimals, Old Navy), bedding and stuffed toys.

*Price on the HIGHER end for large play items and baby gear (in nearly new condition), large toys, name brand and boutique brands (Gymboree, Janie & Jack, Justice, Ralph Lauren, etc)

*ALWAYS price most or all of your items for HALF PRICE day. We have lots of shoppers that buy in bulk on this day. You can maximize your total revenues if you tag your items for 1/2 off day and end of picking up fewer items of your unsold items.  Those who price items at half price receive, on average, a check 50% greater than sellers that price only for full price.


How to Get Started & Quick Tips:

• Separate the items you are consigning into categories; clothing (separate by gender and then by size), toys, books, accessories, etc. before you start tagging.

•Group items together (if possible), like pairing pants with a shirt (as long as it is the same size), several books together, place small accessories together, etc...

• Enter multiple quantities for "like" items. For instance, tag all T-shirts together (that are the same size and price) and enter the total number of T shirts you have in the "Qty" field.

• Concentrate on toys and larger play items!

We sell 90% of these items: strollers, high chairs, bouncers, swings, bassinets, exer-saucers, outdoor play equipment, basketball goals, kitchens, tool benches, train tables, ride on toys, bikes, wagons, rockers, pack n plays, and toys, toys and toys!




How it Works

How it Works:

1.       Register as a consignor.

2.       Gather your nearly new items in great condition.

3.       Launder and clean any items you are bringing to the sale.

4.       Prep them for the sale by hanging clothing on a hanger and securing other items appropriately by reading our Merchandise Prep page.

5.       Price and tag your items using our online tagging system.

6.       Drop off your items at one of our drop off days/times.

7.       Shop at our Consignor Presale where you get to shop before we open to the public.

8.       Pick up your unsold items or consider donating to our local charity.


Help at this Sale!

Consignors make up to 70% of the selling price by signing up to help out or assist with the sale!

A vast array of HELPER opportunities are available, there is something for everyone!

Tips from the Pros

Get the most out of your sales! Learn from the best and get all of the information you need to have a successful time selling!